Roger Maxwell Writes

Freelance Copywriter / Blogger / Novelist

Roger Maxwell Writes

Man relaxing in a field

10 Breaths To A Healthier You

The more time we spend sitting … at a desk, on the couch, the floor … the more our health takes a hit. Being sedentary leads to decline in our well-being. It’s not about never sitting down or always being on the move … our society tends to be lazy. 

We’d prefer a life of leisure, lounging on the beach with Pina Colada in hand, waiters catering to our every whim…

As we age, the slippery slope toward inactivity becomes slicker, and the hike back to mobility feels like trudging up a mountain.

But what if there was a way for us lazy folks to regain energy and vitality without breaking a sweat? 

News FlashThere is a way! 

 It’s called …


Something as simple as breathing can make a significant difference.

While we all breathe naturally, there are various techniques that can enhance its benefits. Different cultures have long practiced unique breathing methods for religious or meditative purposes.

In the years learning Kung-Fu, I was taught breathing techniques aimed at boosting inner power and endurance. In sports, like swimming, breathing techniques are key to enhance lung capacity for better performance.

The way we breathe impacts not just our physical health but also our mental well-being. 

Deep Breathing Exercises (DBE) have been extensively studied and proven to offer numerous benefits for our bodies.

Some of these benefits include:

  • Reduced Blood Pressure
  • Lowered Psychological Stress leading to increased productivity
  • Decreased risk of stroke and heart disease
  • Stabilized blood pressure and reduced stress levels
  • Alleviated Anxiety and Depression
  • Management of Panic Attacks and Hyperventilation

Have you ever felt stress building up inside you until you took that deep sigh of relief? That simple act of inhaling and exhaling helped release some of that tension.

Imagine if you could prevent stress from accumulating in the first place. DBE might just be the solution you need.

One effective DBE technique that has personally helped me is as follows:

  1. Find a comfortable spot to sit or lie down (I prefer lying down for maximum relaxation).
  2. Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, allowing your stomach and lower rib cage to expand.
  3. Hold your breath for a count of 3 to 5.
  4. Exhale slowly and completely through pursed lips without forcing it out .
  5. Rest and repeat this process 10 times. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, take a break before resuming.

The real challenge lies not in the complexity of the technique but in our commitment to make time for this simple yet powerful exercise. 

We need to prioritize our well-being by incorporating this short routine into our daily lives. 

Don’t just skim through this information and say, “Yeah, I should do that,” then go on to the next article and forget what you’ve just read.

I’ve done that myself… And if you’re like me, we need to get off our duffs and take care of ourselves … and prioritize our health. No matter how small the exercise … even breathing. 

We owe it to ourselves … and to those we care about!



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Picture of Roger Maxwell

Roger Maxwell

Roger grew up among the redwoods in the Santa Cruz mountain of California - reading and collecting comic books, riding his bike, playing his guitar and taking Kung Fu classes. He became interested in nutrition and exercise at around twelve years of age, and proper writing at fifteen. His love for both as only grown over time, and now wants to share and help others to achieve a healthy and whole lifestyle.

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